The Environment Agency Geomatics team are busy
flying aircraft over England, producing a new highly accurate survey
of all England plus a confirmation from an on the ground survey.
From the latest release of this data it is clear that although
Little Calva and Hobcarton End are over 2000ft, neither have the
required 15m rise, having only 14.2m and 14.1 respectively. This data
was processed by our son Joe, and Chris Crocker and the DoBIH team.
Little Calva is on Walk 1.3 but if you want to visit it
anyway there is only a short diversion to visit this top.
Hobcarton End is on Walk 2.3 and has a very
pleasant, little frequented, approach through Grisedale Forest, but it
is easier and much shorter to go straight to Grisedale Pike on the
busy motorway path from Braithwaite.